Myth Busters: Good leaders are made, not born.

Myth Busters: Good leaders are made, not born.

July 16, 2019, Author: mystic-admin_@

Before taking up any job, we always study the organization in question. Checking out where current employees started and where they are now, How the concept of leadership is established there, and how can one count himself in the group of good leaders.

Nobody wants to take up a job without growth potential and look forward to challenging themselves.

Setting yourself apart from the get-go is essential in garnering the positive attention and appreciation needed.


What does it take to be Good leaders?

Climbing the ladder involves the implementation of a set of methods.

Aside from the obvious hard work and dedication, it involves being the employee your peers look up to. Your supervisors tend to take notice when you play the role of the “fixer” that your co-workers respect and go to for assistance or advice.

No success is the result of a singular person’s efforts as it is all about TEAM WORK, hence being open to critique and following it shows an open mind, which carries on being an essential characteristic for any aspiring leader.

The Nature vs. Nurture Debate of Good leaders:

To tackle this myth, let’s begin by diving into the age-old nature vs. nurture debate. This debate has raged on for centuries, and it applies to leadership as much as it does to any other aspect of human development. The idea that leadership is an inherent trait, something you’re either born with or without, leans heavily on the “nature” side of the argument. However, the truth is more nuanced.

The Learning Curve:

Good leaders aren’t born knowing how to lead. They learn and adapt over time. Like any skill, leadership can be developed and honed through education, practice, and self-reflection.

Life Experiences:

Leaders are often shaped by their life experiences. Challenges, setbacks, and triumphs all contribute to a leader’s growth. Someone who has faced adversity and learned from it can emerge as a more resilient and capable leader.

Education and Training:

Leadership is a field of study with numerous resources available. Formal education, workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs all provide opportunities for individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effective leadership.


Great leaders are often great self-improvers. They constantly seek feedback, set goals, and work on their weaknesses. This commitment to personal growth is a key factor in becoming a successful leader.


Nurturing Leadership Qualities:

So, if good leaders are made, not born, how can aspiring leaders nurture their qualities and develop into effective leaders? Here are some practical steps:

Seek Feedback:

Actively seek feedback from peers, mentors, and team members. Use this input to identify areas for improvement and personal growth.

Learn Continuously:

Engage in ongoing learning. Read leadership books, take courses, and stay informed about industry trends and best practices.

Practice Empathy:

Work on understanding the perspectives and needs of others. This is a crucial skill for building strong, collaborative teams.

Lead by Example:

Demonstrate the qualities you want to see in your team members. Set the standard for work ethic, integrity, and commitment.

As you get promoted and now lead your former peers, you are placed in a tough spot. Maintaining professional relations, and not allowing people to capitalize on your friendship is the key to building and maintaining boundaries in an office environment.

Stay ahead of the curve and ensure effective communication with your employees, as well as within them. While it’s easy to criticize, train yourself into a strength spotter, a scientifically proven way of improving team engagement and productivity.

While managing people requires taking control, be careful not to micromanage. Good leaders know how to delegate responsibility, and allows workers to complete it in the way they find most effective. While they have to provide a clear map, they must also allow their employees to voice their opinions properly.

While having high expectations, allow your workers to push themselves to their potential, Good leaders must also realize they are humans first, and prone to mistakes.

Confronting your own mistakes, as well as your employees, with constructive criticism and solutions teaches your employees to be mindful, and helps practical learning.

How Life Experiences work as a catalyst in the growth of leaders:

Leadership often emerges in response to life experiences. Someone who has faced adversity, struggled, and persevered through challenges can develop the resilience and determination that are essential for effective leadership.

For instance, a person who overcame a personal setback may emerge with a heightened sense of empathy and the ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

These qualities can become powerful leadership tools.

The myth that good leaders are born, not made, can be limiting and discouraging for those aspiring to leadership roles. In reality, leadership is a skill that can be cultivated and refined over time.

By focusing on personal growth, learning, adaptability, and empathy, anyone can become a great leader.

Destroy the myth that good leaders are born. Developing these qualities is what enables an effective and revered boss to be made. Good leaders are made through dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to self-improvement.

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