The Psychology of Brainstorming: Why It’s Essential for Non-Conventional Thinking

The Psychology of Brainstorming: Why It’s Essential for Non-Conventional Thinking

September 11, 2019, Author: mystic-admin_@

From sitting in large conference rooms, and sticking our heads together to the funky cafés, Mystic tribe goes for the idea of Brainstorming and we always manage to find the best ideas, this is how we are breaking the cliché and providing our clients what they need, extraordinary marketing strategies and sale focused campaigns.

If you google “marketing”, it tells you that the action of promoting and selling products is marketing but when you actually try to market a product you will only be able to find some typical and conventional approaches.

Typically, highlighting the qualities of a product talks about how convenient it could be and how it is solving the problem or fulfilling the needs of the customer.

The strategy has proven to be good, Simple, and specific but the problem with conventional marketing is the audience’s attention span these days, it has been reduced to the minimum and the competition has grown wild.

Marketing and Brainstorming:

Now imagine you have to market a product, retain the customers and fatten its sales.

And you go with the same cliché approach to boost up the sales, Would it be effective?

The competitors are hounding the same. That is when you have to find a way to shift from the conventional approach and start thinking of something unique, you will have to start brainstorming, and thinking out of the box keeping all the key factors in consideration, be it the consumers, the competitors, the target market and the ever-changing platforms of presenting it to your audience.


If we were to define marketing, we would say it’s just a story you tell and make people believe, Now the real challenge comes when you have to tell the same story over and over again, who would want to listen to it? What would you do if you want them to listen?

Remember it is your job to tell the story. Now you would be left with only one option to find a solution to it, the only solution is, to find different ways every time to tell the same story and make it catchy enough that everyone is willing to listen.

This is what we believe we have managed to achieve, we are always in a hunt for ​new ways to market the products of our clients to our customers. We invest the needed time to invent the campaigns and strategies to do so because we aim to do what has never be done.

Every brick was hand-picked and brick by brick the organization was made, bringing together likeminded people and giving democracy to their ideas, aiming to satisfy our clients and excite their customers.​

This is what enables mystic advertising to make effective strategies and catchy campaigns.

At Mystic Advertising, we believe that like-mindedness and brainstorming is the cornerstone of a thriving work environment. While diversity in perspectives is essential, a shared vision and a unified spirit can take a team to extraordinary heights.

Our employees share common values, principles, and a passion for delivering top-notch creative solutions. This alignment creates a sense of unity, purpose, and belonging that is palpable throughout the organization.

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